
April 09, 2004

Collaborative Tools

EE Kim: A Manifesto for Collaborative Tools:

Consider a basic collaborative task: document-sharing. A number of applications (both commercial and open source) claim to solve the document-sharing problem, and yet, the predominant method for sharing files is to email them back and forth. This is the computational equivalent of sneakernet. If the tools that purport to solve this problem are good, why aren't we using them?    #

We see similar problems in other basic areas. I can walk into any meeting anywhere in the world with a piece of paper in hand, and I can be sure that people will be able to read it, mark it up, pass it around, and file it away. I can't say the same for electronic documents.

Worth reading the whole thing.

He's absolutely right about linking -- the attempts from Xanadu through HyTime, Groves and the XML InfoSet to build a universal addressibility framework -- and that we're not there yet.