
November 02, 2002

Sharepoint RSS

Busy day today, chopping firewood. But time enough to knock up a RSS generator for SharePoint 1.0 (I have SharePoint running on this laptop - not that it gets used for anything except R&D). If you're running a STS site, this should let you subscribe to your lists with your favourite aggregator (Radio, AmphetaDesk, Aggie, etc).

The script is here; save and install on your server, and call with http://yourSTSwebsite/_vti_bin/owssvr.dll?Using=sts2rss.html&list=[listname]

Let me know if you use it :-)

Update 2003-05-19: If you're looking for a RSS generator for SharePoint 2.0 (Windows SharePoint Services, aka WSS), my script won't work - but Harry Pierson has built one, and it works good.