
June 24, 2002

The question of how to

The question of how to connect Groove to the "outside world" has several answers. I'm constantly amazed by Tim's ability to cook up code overnight: he's now running a webservice inside a Groove tool, with bidirectional Web access. This is really powerful - a "view-level" parallel of the "model-level" SOAP stuff we're calling Edge Services.

Luckily Tim has a Web-accessible (dynamic DNS at "kicks-ass.net") machine. My main Groove device usually sits behind a firewall. To solve that problem, the Edge Services piece will have "always visible" access points relaying to and from your client in much the same way Groove's relays already work. For a Web system like Tim's, it might be cool to have a reverse-proxy (cacheing?) do the same thing. Or even to bake Grooveness into dynamic DNS (so, for example, a "grooveTelespace://" canonical URL could be served by any online member of the space, or by any device running my account).